Alisabeth does life

Alisabeth has the absurdity of life down and capitalizes on it. Here’s what it’s like to live life like Alisabeth.

“I think I’m doing life wrong.”

That’s what my insanely successful ER nurse cousin said when I shared my latest Alisabeth anecdote. 

Alisabeth is living proof that nothing means anything. 

Like NFTs. 

I’m fascinated by her.

When she gets fired from a job, she finds another one that pays more. She found a guy who not only supported her when they were together but continued to pay her bills after they broke up and she moved out. This was primarily to keep her from moving back in with him, but still.

She’s a real-life Kramer. Keep “manifesting” all you want, but you could be doing nothing and potentially have the same outcome.

Alisabeth is my Bestie’s cousin, and for the last few years, we’ve been laughing at her fuck ups weekly. That was until the day she got a job making more than both of us, even after she told them her weakness was she couldn’t make it to work at 8 a.m. and needed a later start time. 

If she were a man, nobody would bat an eyelash. As a woman, she sounds like a South Park character.

It’s actually pretty brilliant. Alisabeth has the absurdity of life down and capitalizes on it. 

Let’s start here:

During her last period of unemployment, money got a little tight when her benefits got cut. This meant her weed budget got cut. So when her drug dealer took her $100 and produced zero weed, it only made sense that she called the cops on him

For not giving her her weed. She filed a report and everything.

But I guess what was she supposed to do? That’s stealing

Alisabeth had no job, was low on funds, and now had to find a new drug dealer. 

Of course, she found the Willy Wonka of drug dealers. In her first couple of weeks as a new client, she was invited to participate in a scavenger hunt, where she found a goodie bag containing $150 cash, weed and gummies, and a golden ticket that entered her for a $5000 CASH drawing.

A couple of weeks after that, she landed a $70K/year job with the employer she told she couldn’t make it to work on time.

Meanwhile, I was fighting dandruff thanks to our up-and-down weather, and Bestie had taken on her first listing as a realtor but only got it because nobody else wanted it due largely in part to the severe water damage. And though it was under contract, it was another realtor who sold it.

Alisabeth is onto something, and she doesn’t even know it. Or she does, and we’re all the suckers. Either way, keep following along for more tips on how to do life like Alisabeth.

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